"... any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one already." - Henry David Thoreau

   "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." - Albert Einstein

   "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti

   "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

   "Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods." - Socrates

   "He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche

   "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain

   "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Martin Luther King Jr.

   "One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a    person entirely happy." - Aristotle

   "Your very silence shows you agree." - Euripides


Y!A - Can someone please explain the concept of life to me?

Question asked originally on Yahoo! Answers - Original Link

My Answer:

What is the point of a cell in the human body?
To contribute to the well being of the whole body so to keep it alive, thus allowing the cell itself the opportunity to live.
(if the body dies, so do all the cells in it)
Humanity essentially works the same way, each person a cell that is part of a body.

Most people can't grasp this, so they just attempt to live without caring for the well being of humanity as a whole, and eventually, when socioeconomic crises happen people look dumbfounded, clueless that they are the cause of the crisis and blame the government or someone else for it.

The primary purpose of any human being is to help humanity survive, whether they acknowledge it or not, because if humanity dies, so do all human beings.

Why do we care and spend so much time doing other things?
Because as in any body, humanity has many sick cells... Some try to get too many resources, depriving other cells of the necessary resources for them to function and survive... Other cells are completely out of control, hurting neighboring cells... Yet other cells are addicted to certain self-destructive behaviors... The biggest problem in my opinion however, is that humanity's "immune system" is broken: the justice system only puts away cells that are already sick, but it doesn't fight the disease itself, that is, the overwhelming apathy and denial that most people live in. Moreover, whenever someone comes along telling people that they need to change for their own good, they're either ignored or crucified because people are terrorized by the idea of changing their "way of life."

I agree that in the end most things don't matter, but think of the people who live these meaningless lives, it's all they've ever known, the very thought that there's something else that matters is a threat to their very existence. To accept the true meaning of life would mean to most people to accept that their existence is completely meaningless, thus destroying any kind of happiness they may have achieved since this happiness is nothing more than a delusion.


Anonymous said...

Hey. I agree with you 100%. You mentioned this, "the justice system only puts away cells that are already sick, but it doesn't fight the disease itself" I believe that the disease itself is created by society as well. I don't think cells/people are born sick/criminals. I believe society creates sick people . We love to believe we are so much better than these criminals but we fail to understand we are the reason they are this way in the first place. The boy down the street who was beaten everyday and grows up to beat his wife everyday had no one to intervene and stop his suffering. Maybe if someone called the cops or maybe if the system was organized in a better way than his suffering could have been prevented and maybe he wouldn't grow up to become so violent. I do not believe that people are born a certain way or are a certain way for no reason. I believe that circumstances in everyone's life shapes them to be a certain way. Of course perhaps genetics has a little bit to do with how we react to situations. However, I highly doubt we can blame genetics on crime.

You told me on Y/A that you did not take formal education because you were not interested in making tons of money and acquiring material things. Instead you focus on growing than spending all your time on trying to save what you have acquired. I agree 100%. I believe the concept of wanting more material things is so primitive. I believe humanity is here to learn and grow. I believe that is the purpose. I think material things get in the way of that. When I die will I be thinking of all the greats things I bought? No. I will be thinking of what exactly I got out of this life.

L.R.R.Cunha said...

It's hard to find people that understand and agree, so much harder than acquiring material possessions that to me finding such people is a much greater achievement than acquiring anything that money can buy...

distant_dreams said...

L huh? I suppose you saw Death Note?

Heh... I agree with you on your thoughts thought. I have been thinking the same things.

If you ever figure out "how" to change the world for a better place, let me know. [XD]