My Answer:
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
People have been contemplating this question since the beginning of time. It is arguably the reason for the birth of Philosophy and technological evolution, after all, everything we do is to achieve happiness.My answer?
To want what you have.
If you want what you have, then you have everything you want, and if you have everything you want then there's no way you can't be happy.
People today are controlled by their surroundings, constantly being told what to want, what happiness should mean, what beauty should be, ultimately driving them away from happiness by keeping them wanting more and more and never having everything they want.
Wanting what you have is not complacency, it's wisdom. If something good comes you way, great, take it and add it to the things you want. If something bad comes your way, take it, bad things are an essential part of life that provide you with the opportunity to learn something new: without problems there can't be solutions, without questions there can't be answers.
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