"... any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one already." - Henry David Thoreau

   "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." - Albert Einstein

   "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti

   "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

   "Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods." - Socrates

   "He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche

   "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain

   "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Martin Luther King Jr.

   "One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a    person entirely happy." - Aristotle

   "Your very silence shows you agree." - Euripides


Personal Quotes

"After much thought I have concluded that the next step in human evolution must be psychological instead of physiological." - L.

"A weapon may defeat one's body, but only a word may defeat one's soul." - L.

"Beauty is relative, Intelligence is absolute." - L.

"The mistakes of the past are history, but the mistakes of the present are choices." - L.

"Life is meaningless without change, and change is meaningless if it goes backwards, thus life is meaningless without evolution." - L.

"If you go to sleep the same person you were when you woke up, you just wasted a day in your life." - L.

"You "happy" people see the world falling apart and say "it could be worse so it's okay," while we say "the world could be much better so let's improve it." The reason why we are negative and unhappy is because our hands are tied since there are so few of us and so many of you." - L.

" "Good enough" is never enough." - L.

"I think of humanity as a body, and myself as a little cell in that body, so I'm constantly asking myself about my participation in the big picture." - L.

"It is much easier to deal with your emotions once you understand them, so try and sit down and think about what's going on and I'm sure you will either find the answer directly or find the right path towards the answer." - L.

"A good leader never needs to improvise because they are always ready for all possible outcomes." - L.

"Even when a person dies they still "live" within you through your memories and the influence the person had in your life." - L.

"The average person lives up to 100 years or so, so no matter how "happy" they make themselves, their happiness is only worth 100 years of a single life. A person who changes the world for the better, makes 8 billion lives happier for as long as the world is around. That's 100 years times as many people who live to enjoy the change the person made." - L.

"Personally, I would rather be alone than give up my identity to be accepted by others." - L.

"Never deny the truth - It's better to be upset by the truth than happy for a lie. A life based on a lie is not worth living." - L.

"This is how I look at it: If people who get drunk and stoned don't like me because I don't condone with that kind of behavior, I take it as a badge. It's a good thing when ignorant people don't like you because you choose to not be ignorant." - L.

"Deny the things that would make you feel upset and you will always be happy. However, I guarantee you that absolutely nothing good will come out of denial ultimately. Eventually you will realize that your life is a delusional lie that you created in order to not have to deal with reality." - L.

"Nothing good can come out of denial because all your thoughts, beliefs, actions and emotions are based on a lie. Therefore, even though you think you're experiencing these emotions, say happiness for example, you're not, it's like a hallucination. They don't exist." - L.

"Knowing that you're at least not part of the problem rewards you with some happiness. Being part of the solution will infuse you with more happiness than any illusion can possibly give you." - L.

"All you can do is do is be a good person, and if you think your parents weren't good parents, learn the lesson from them and when you become a parent be a better one than your parents were to you." - L.

"You can't just "make" yourself think anything. You have to believe on what you think in order for it to stick." - L.

"Respecting someone means that you acknowledge the validity and importance of their thoughts and actions." - L.

"If relationships were easy there would be no divorces." - L.

"When you're observing many subjects then you have to observe, analyze your observations to reach explanations, then analyze your explanations in order to find connections." - L.

"The importance of "patience" is not in itself, but in the balance between "patience" and "impatience." You should never be so impatient that you can't observe and analyze things objectively and rationally. But you should never be so patient that you allow injustice to be done onto you or onto others. " - L.

"Facts are facts regardless of who believes in them. The Earth was round when people believed it was flat and the Earth spun around the Sun when people believed the Sun spun around the Earth." - L.

"All opposing emotions are expression of the same level of feeling." - L.

"Personally, I would say that being "smart" is only half of being intelligent, the other half is knowing what it means to not be smart (that is, dumb) and being able perceive it on themselves and the world around them." - L.

"What if you support "Justice Before All" and get the support of people who are actually intelligent and capable of finding the balance between the two sides?" - L.

"The pieces of the mind that lie within the conscious are easy to find and place in the puzzle. But when it comes to the pieces of the puzzle that lie in the subconscious, we only have clues about them, so it's much harder to figure out these pieces... You have to take the pieces you know and use them to figure out the pieces you don't." - L.

"Bottom line, in a world where people are different, it's healthy to have enemies (as long as it doesn't lead to violence) because it shows that you're capable of critical thinking." - L.

"My personal opinion is that when a person is forced to work in an "abusive environment" because their most basic needs are threatened, they are slaves, regardless of what people choose to call it and regardless of the time period. The details are irrelevant." - L.

"Of one thing however, we can be sure, that since the solution hasn't solved the problem, that either people failed to pinpoint the right problem or that they failed to pinpoint the right solution for the problem." - L.

"Materialism puts the responsibility for changes and improvements in society on the original way nature is set up, making it an unconditional cause-consequence linear process. Constructivism acknowledges the ability of the different parts of nature to intervene on this linear process, allowing it to split into many possible variants." - L.

"Understand that sleeping well is just as important to your success in the test as studying for the test. When you have a sound sleep, your brain regenerates brain cells. And as you could imagine, having enough brain cells really help on exams." - L.

"The United States of America is not just a place you live in, but an Ideal, that you live by, and defend with your own life, not just in war, but with your everyday actions. This includes calling for change when it is needed, and implementing it by any means when it is necessary, not just abroad, but mainly, and firstly, at home." - L.

"The day we blindly accept it when our "unalienable Rights" are either taken away from us or put in danger, the day when we close our eyes when we should see and mouths when we should speak, that will be the day when the American Flag will be nothing more than garbage, a meaningless piece of cloth... the funeral of the American Dream." - L.

"The American society is arguably over-capitalist. What I mean by this is that money has ceased to be a tool and become a goal." - L.

"Now, as far as the economy goes, let me begin by saying that in my opinion, the best study of economy is that which analyzes social, psychological, political and economic trends, and the connection between them, for the longest period of time." - L.

"We are on the periphery of something much greater than a "great depression." The Great Depression was purely economical. What we are about to face is the realization that if we continue to live our lives as we're used to, think and act based on the beliefs and traditions that we have always have, that will be responsible for the end of humanity, be it through war, be it through dying as a collateral to the damage we're doing on nature." - L.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am convinced you are my soul mate.